
Paradise Bound: A Mission Report From Guatemala

Greetings all! Alysha here, at the Paradise Bound base after one tiring/ exciting/ crazy day of travel and three immensely successful days of ministry.

I would have liked to post sooner, but God has kept me very busy here in Guatemala! It seems like each time I sit down to send a letter back home He calls me into His word or somewhere else where I am needed. But please know my silence means I am doing well. Although I miss you all incredibly, the work God is doing in my heart here is well worth being away from home for a little while.

Those keeping up with the group blog will know we began our journey with two days of medical clinics. Two different villages, one near the ocean and the other high in the mountains. Two different groups of people. One Savior King.

While each clinic had a unique set of challenges, we have a God able to work through us outside of our comfort zones. In all our insufficiencies He worked wonders.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer has been key in our journey so far. Daily we have prayed for rain to old off. Daily we have watched storm clouds and lightning leave us without ever feeling a drop of rain. We prayed relentlessly on our clinic days for a harvest of souls coming to Christ. And at each clinic I watched a room full of anxious and distant men, women, and children transform into two of the most passionate alter calls I have ever witnessed.

God answered some prayers instantly. On day one of the clinics, I prayed for a little boy who kept scooting closer to the projector screen during the Jesus film. His friends were pulling for his attention, but within a second of my petition to God for no distractions, his little head turned toward the screen. I prayed that the mothers in the room with young children would be able to be selfish, doing business with God among the chaos. Later at the altar, I stood behind two mothers crying out to God with very young children in their arms—one sleeping, the other looking at me silently with big brown eyes as I told her “Cristo te ama” over and over again.

On day two, when Tina, Todd, and I were called to leave the building for a few minutes in the middle of testimonies to pray for and calm screaming children outdoors, I prayed that when we began to worship again the children would hear the music and flood back inside to be right up front praising Jesus. Should I have been surprised when I opened my eyes during the last worship song and numerous little girls stood in front of our team worshiping in a language they do not know?

To GOD be ALL the GLORY!!!

In My Weakness

Throughout this trip, I have struggled with feeling insufficient and unworthy of the spiritual armor God tries to equip me with. God is constantly reminding me that even when I make a mistake, miss an opportunity, say something I shouldn’t, or fail to communicate with the villagers the way I wish I could, He can still use me.

Yesterday evening I felt God tug on my heart to share my testimony. Even the thought of it terrified me, I trusted Him. I started out shaking and had to grab Becca’s arm to keep still as I shared what God put on my heart. I have no idea what I said. I just know that in that moment, God took me, a girl who a year ago couldn’t even pray out loud for her friends, and placed me with a microphone in front of a room full of families who needed to hear how much Jesus loves them.

God is breaking my heart for them. He really transforms these people. He’s really transforming each of us too. I’m excited to share more stories from 7,000 feet up, especially as we go into the second part of our trip. (Today was day one of building new homes for our Guatemalan families and God is still bringing the victory and leaving us in awe.) But those I’ll save those stories for another post.

A Challenge

Thanks so much for all your prayers. They are of more worth than gold.

My challenges to you back home in the Mitten (or wherever you may be) are as follows…

  1. Pray. For everything. Pray for us. Pray for the people we’re meeting. Pray for your families. Pray for strangers. Pray for the little things. God cares and listens. His power is BEYOND our understanding.
  2. Let God use you where you are this week. Sure, we’re imperfect people. There’s no denying that. But when we trust in God, we’ll be on the winning side no matter what happens.

As they say here in Guatemala… Que Dios les bendiga.

I love you all,
Alysha West

This post was originally published on the Team Res. Life Rockford (2014) Group Blog.

If you are interested in missions, contact me. I would love to answer your questions and assist you in praying about your decision to GO.

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  1. […] went into 2014 excited to graduate high school and start college. I would also go on my first mission trip, get my driver’s license, and move away from home. Expecting the year to be memorable, I […]

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